Be Smart With Your Smartphone & Look Up!

Be Smart With Your Smartphone & Look Up!

As education steps into the digital age, many students will be e-learning in some capacity for hours each day on their digital devices. While our devices can be fantastic tools for entertainment and education, the postural effects are something all parents should be aware of. For many students, e-learning may increase neck, mid-back, and low back pain.

Spending six or more hours each day looking down at your digital devices can profoundly affect your mental, social, and physical health. It can also lead to the development of "Tech Neck Syndrome." This forward head posture often places tremendous stress on the neck (cervical spine) and can lead to an uptick in headaches, back and neck pain, and more.

Did you know...

  • Low back pain is the 3rd most common form of pain interfering with schoolwork.
  • It's estimated that 50.3% of school-aged children present with posture disorders.

Approximately 41.6% of children experience back pain from prolonged sitting.

Science Sources:

Text Neck Syndrome. Intl Journal of Env Research and Public Health. 2021.

Back Pain in School Children. Dynamic Chiropractic. 1995.

School Children's Backpacks, Back Pain and Back Pathologies. Arch Dis Child. 2012.

Schedule an Appointment

September 13, 2023

Dr. Sidhartha Jandial

Dr. Sidhartha Jandial is proud to be serving the coastal community of Half Moon Bay. His education consists of Bachelors in Biology (University of California, Riverside), Masters in Public Health (Loma Linda University), and Doctorates in Chiropractic (Life Chiropractic College West).